Boycotting the litterbox may mean  your cat has health woes
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Boycotting the litterbox may mean your cat has health woes

Aug 29, 2023

There are some good reasons that your cat may stop using the litter box. If you have multiple cats, make sure the box is big enough and that you're scooping it often.

A common problem for cat owners is the sudden halt in a pet's use of the litter box. This is often a sign that something has changed in the environment that the cat is objecting to or that there is a medical condition that should be addressed.

Litter box woes are a top reason cats are surrendered to shelters or put outdoors after living their entire lives inside. Reasons for this new, unwanted behavior can range from a common and very treatable bladder infection to switching to a new litter to introducing a new cat or other pet into the home.

Here are some things to consider.

IS THE BOX BIG ENOUGH?: The size of the litter box can sometimes be the issue. Make sure the litter box is large enough to accommodate the number of cats in the home. Also, if the cat is on the curvy side, it will likely require a larger litter box.

Boxes with higher sides all around and a lower side where the cat enters are recommended, as this type of box will help keep the litter from being thrown out.

Hooded litter boxes are sometimes frightening and may deter use. If you have this type of box and are having problems, try removing the top to see if that helps.

SOMETHING HAS CHANGED: Move to a new home? Welcome a new pet into the household? Stress of a new environment or interaction with new people or pets can often disturb a cat’s intestinal tract. When an animal has stomach pain, it automatically thinks it has to immediately relieve itself, regardless of where it is. Probiotic supplements on the market and available through the veterinarian can keep the stomach and intestinal tract calm and working properly. Always consult a vet before using a new supplement.

NEW LITTER?: Was a new brand or different type of litter introduced recently? If so, this could be a problem. Most cats are not fans of scented litter, as their sense of smell is much more sensitive than ours and perfumes or deodorizers are often a turnoff.

It is usually a case of trial and error to find a litter that the cat will like. Pellet or crystal litters are not recommended as they can be uncomfortable to step on. Use a clumping litter, unless the cat is a kitten. Kittens have to get the hang of using the litter box and clumping litter may end up as clumps stuck to little paws and between toes.

Make sure to generously fill the litter box with the litter. The litter should be at least 2 to 3 inches deep, completely covering the bottom of the box.

ARE YOU SCOOPING ENOUGH?: The frequency of changing out the litter is also an important factor. Scooping the litter box twice a day is recommended.

LOCATION MATTERS: Place the litter box in a quiet area so the cat can do his business privately.

MEDICAL CONDITION: If the cat appears to be straining to urinate or poop, whether in the litter box or not, seek medical attention immediately. Constipation or a urinary blockage has to be dealt with as soon as possible. Both can be fatal if not treated.

A urinary tract infection causes a lot of pain for a cat and leads to trying to urinate outside of the litter box.

If the family feline is suddenly not using the litter box, it may be more than just an attitude problem. If everything is status quo with the environment, litter and other external factors, then a trip to the vet is recommended to rule out any medical conditions.

Traci D. Howerton is the volunteer manager of Animal Rescue New Orleans, a nonprofit, volunteer-based, no-kill shelter. For more info on ARNO, visit

Traci D. Howerton is the volunteer coordinator for Animal Rescue New Orleans (ARNO), a nonprofit, volunteer-based, no-kill shelter. For topic suggestions, email [email protected] or for more info on ARNO, visit